Panut Mulyono
Prof. Panut Mulyono was inaugurated as Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) on 26 May 2017. He was born in Kebumen, Central Java, on 1 June 1960. He graduated from the Chemical Engineering department at the Faculty of Engineering, UGM in 1986 and soon became assistant lecturer in that Department. Later he earned both his Master and Doctor of Engineering degrees from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, respectively in 1990 and 1993.
He held a number of positions at UGM, including ViceDean of Faculty of Engineering for Administration, Finance, and Human Resource, and Dean of Faculty of Engineering. Prof. Mulyono earned the Satyalencana Karya Satya XX award from the President of the Republic of Indonesia in May 2012. Many of his research works are related to extraction of precious substances from Indonesian plants, extraction of metal elements from Indonesian mineral substances, and new and renewable energies. He has published over 67 scientific papers in national and international journals.